The Bradesco announced net profits of R$ 1,723 billion in the first trimester, result 9.6% below of the refined profits in identical period of 2008. The banking institution raised its provision (reserve money) for wing doubtful in R$ 1 billion. Expectation on the financial market americanoO cloth of deep so that structural questions come back to be considered by the investors is the perception improvement on the financial system of the United States. In day 07 of May the American government must divulge results of the tests of estresse which had been submitted 19 banks. At Kevin Johnson you will find additional information. Anticipated information for the American press give account that all will have to need more capital. Caterpillar Inc. pursues this goal as well. However, the market if has not shown worried because it has the perception of that the necessary values so are not raised how much was imagined, contribuido for ' ' calma' ' it enters the mercados.TendnciIncertezas to the part, the analysts believe that, although the recent high forts, the trend for the Brazilian stock market still is of valuation. The So Paulo Stock Exchange locked up the first proclamation of May with strong valuation and in the period of only one week already it accumulates 10% valuation.
In 2009, the accumulated profit of the Stock market already arrives 34.2%. The investors are a little more livened up with the expectations for the domestic and international economy. The exchange tax retracted for R$ 2,13, in its lesser quotation since November of the last year. you? It finds that the cup is fulling or emptying? Bibliography: Periodical the State of Is Pablo of 05 of May of 2009Jornal of Brazil of 05 of May of 2009Jornal Leading Brazilian business newspaper of 05 of May of 2009