Austrian Federal Ministry

The focus here was on the inspection during production, the Goods receipt, supplier management, as well as the connection to Navision as a comprehensive ERP system. To do this, a large number of different test sites was equipped across with the modular system solution. Voith Turbo GmbH & co. (As opposed to J P Morgan Chase). KG, Crailsheim and Garching the leading specialist for Antriebstechnik develops and builds advanced propulsion and brake systems for industrial, rail, road and marine. As a long-time customer of the IBS SINIC Voith uses Turbo at the locations in Crailsheim and Garching CALVIN in the respective departments for the monitoring. Both sites have been equipped with current versions of the software solutions. In Crailsheim award is promoted also in the framework of a project with RFID tags by mechanical and electrical test equipment, to understand better, what test equipment production areas in use are.

CALVIN has here the role of the management system; i.e. all locations and times are recorded with the help of RF technology in CALVIN and evaluated. Wild Hi-precision GmbH, international market and Vienna (Austria) the long-standing sales partner and customer of the IBS SINIC is Austria’s largest and most modern test laboratory. Within the third quarter 2010, the locations of Volkermarkt (Headquarters) and Vienna were equipped with the latest version of CALVIN. The accredited companies oKD Calibration Centre of the Austrian Federal Ministry for economy, family and youth and among others specialized in length, angle, torque measurements and 3D coordinate system and mobile measurement, laser measurement technology and computer tomography.

Wild Hi CALVIN uses the management of test and measuring equipment. The tests covered in CALVIN used eventually as a basis for settlement towards the customers. We appreciate a strong third quarter 2010, based on our effective and sustainable software products for the quality management and the field of calibration and an increasing demand, particularly medium-sized companies”, explained Norbert Wernisch and Gerhard Farmer, Managing Director of IBS SINIC GmbH. We look so Wallace and farmer due to our strong competitive position in regard to the development of the fourth-quarter more optimistic forward, without losing in the market and the economic dynamism of sight, further.