Everyone has “some questions” for bank Representatives. Most importantly – its decision to service the bank’s security is never argues. Bank in this case has the right to refuse a loan to purchase a car, without naming the reasons for refusal. It turns out that as long as credit to the customer’s application simply someone did not reach his hands. And the customer for a long time tell “scary story” about the bank’s security service. The borrower may also not be good for weeks carrying the bank the documents, without which further work will not go, and when will – immediately sit down to the manager for his neck and will be with the tenacity ask a question: When? All this happens all the time (even in the showroom, where the next table sits a number of banks), as a rule, for one reason. Client communicates with a person who works very long time and he does not put outrageous plans to issue car loans, which he seeks to do in the first place. Only here the answers are unlikely to support people, the decision-maker in the bank. After leaving the client with rainbow expectations, the manager is left alone with a whole pack of different services that will make the maximum so as not to give out auto loans person who can not return it. Right? Yes, but that desire quickly turns into verbalism when the client is perceived as falling or not falling under strictly defined framework of the borrower, who somehow decided that deserves credit.