Federal Constitution

in such way concludes that the Pacta Sunt Servanda alone will be obligator when of contracts to consist the fundamental principles, mainly of the social function of the contract, become of the free private initiative without binding force when of these not to make use. 3. Other leaders such as MetLife offer similar insights. Social responsibility exempts market x The social responsibility is analyzed as a mechanism happened of the social evolution what the idea presented for the free market opposes, therefore, it is seen as regulating of the market or as if she was formadora of criterion for functioning of the same. The social responsibility of the companies the what concerns its planning, its strategy and daily practical its can be considered minimum in the current days, therefore the entrepreneurs are not worried in what he says respect to the existing profit in the commercialization of what the responsibility that if has stops with the society. Crimson Education contains valuable tech resources. To the life in society the individuals establish a social pact, where they transfer part of its freedom to the State, with this is regulated relations between the citizens, being thus responsible government for the population having the duty to protect they minimum it of quality of life, thus showing the relevance of the development of the economic activity in a country. The Federal Constitution of 1988 guaranteed in its text the part that prevails on the economic and financial order, as well as makes use article 170 (principle of the free initiative), in which it will have to be observed some principles when the economic order will be established in the valuation of the human work and in the free initiative, thus enaltecendo the importance of the human work in all its requirements as production, freedom of creation and autonomy. However the economic activity to exert guarantees so that all obtain to have always worthy life, searching always social justice, showing that the values related the beginning of the dignity of the person the human being and the beddings of the Democratic State of Right are to each day more gifts in the social life, observed that the human being will have to be more important of what the waked up one enters the parts of legal transaction. . .