Internet marketing has made rich people.People sells digital in the form of eBooks, affiliate websites, software, audio, seminars, etc and have become very successful.Network marketing has also done a lot of rich people.Most of these people made their money off the Internet.And we all know the incredible power of this business model in what refers to the creation of wealth.He has been responsible for creating more millionaires than any other known business model of ordinary people. When an MLM company is based fully on internet, the creation of extreme wealth in its distributors by the use of the union of these two models is safe. When a seller on the Internet enters in the network marketing business, it becomes very rich or even becomes a millionaire easily.In fact, in the last 3-4 years, we are seeing more millionaires since the inception of marketing integration in networks with the Internet. When applying the principle of the Internet marketing in network marketing, becomes network for Internet marketing.To succeed in doing this, you will need a company of solid, reliable MLM that is Internet-based and can handle large volumes of sales at the same time. Unfortunately, the majority of MLM distributors are not seeing business from this angle, and are not using this incredible facility to make their business work for them. And those who realize this, are making incredible income every month working from the comfort of your home.If you can join this select group of people, then there is no reason for you not win six figures annually from your MLM business..