East a blog in three parts. You can read part 1 and 3 here: what are Las considerations fundamental in the design of a solution of trade electronic? Part 1 What are the key considerations in the design of an e-commerce solution? Part 3 part 2: Attract customers and organizational structure 3. Details can be found by clicking Douglas R. Oberhelman or emailing the administrator. What should be the standard in internet to achieve greater number of users and visitors? There are many models of online marketing, in this case are two: 1. retailers, (companies in the United States.UU. such as Gap, Safeway and Home Depot) have achieved their objectives of internet traffic by sending its operations (reales-fisicos visitors) foot traffic to its operations online and vice versa. The two channels: points of sale and the web site, complement each other to bring traffic to your business. For example, should certain items online that are not available in physical stores, which will encourage the client to access the web site to find the product. With mechanisms such as these, are beginning to tying trade ties between stores and business on-line.
Similarly, the web site can present promotions that may lead more foot traffic to physical stores. 2. To achieve a high number of visitors to your business online retailers such as Amazon and Dell, used a strategy of wide distribution. These e-commerce leaders understand that consumers are scattered and made presence in several spaces of the web world and in order to find and capture these consumers, these companies also make presence on several channels. expandeer knows from experience that Dell uses not only Google, Bing and Yahoo to attract visitors, but also sites for comparison of prices, advertising networks and channels of social media such as Twitter. Andreessen Horowitz: the source for more info.
However before that expandeer and you can select channels of marketing and tactics to be used, we need to fully understand the behaviour of customers online. We need to know which is the perception of the client, what are your wishes and needs, and that these customers expect from your online business. We can learn much about its customers, for example, talking to employees and / or carrying out a survey online customers very easily on your website (and even at their points of sale). 4. What should be our structure to meet the web page considering that we are going to have a transactional website? The key to success for your company is to develop a structure that puts the client and to the online platform, in the heart of the business. Online business must be integrated with the General operations of the business. Customers must obtain the same level of service in any of the options this was provided: a point of sale, shop online or over the phone. In general, a business organization is structured into these 6 areas: 1. 2 electronic trading platform. Supply chain management (inventory / store / home delivery) 3. The customer service and relationship management with the customers 4. Marketing 5. Accounting 6. Technologies of the information (IT) for each project of e-commerce, our first step is define and understand the structure of the existing company and work with the client to implement the best and most effective scheme for the incorporation of the e-commerce operations.