Managing Director

Information portal the mountain gorillas of Uganda lunar mountains for nature and wildlife conservation, outdoor travel and photography have received on its Internet site society through more endangered species. Access is faster, the navigation easier, the content extensive and the information portal at the same time clear and global has become. And that, although the contents have been expanded and are now more diverse. Not only”Uganda and East Africa, but nature and species protection is worldwide now the theme. There are including a monthly newsletter, travel reports and also background information on endangered species and their habitats. originally for a private holiday and travel photo by Andreas Klotz, a passionate amateur photographer, Africa lovers, and Managing Director of an advertising agency was created. Impressed by the land, the people, nature and the animals especially the mountain gorillas he called an endangered species media project in the life and 2009 for the first time created the website for this purpose. New projects are now to come, the makers of the lunar mountains project support including a Cheetah aid project in Namibia. The lunar mountains Web site visitors will find many interesting and entertaining information about endangered species and their habitats, interesting destinations, tips and topics for trekking and nature photography, hundreds of great photos, videos, TV and book recommendations, schedules, links and much more. The new site is a treasure trove of information. Those who want to do something, can order one or the other directly in the online shop of the lunar mountains page. Here you find many beautiful products, mostly books, which are very suitable also and especially as gifts. For example the noble made photo illustrated book “Impressions of Africa from Uganda Pearl” or a mountain gorilla – children’s books, posters, DVDs and much more.

All have one thing in common: the purchase or sale are long term and sustained various aid projects in Africa financed. The content of the Web site are constantly adding an editorial team. Many of the Article and above all the picture galleries are contributed by dedicated external authors and (amateur) photographers. Operator of the website is the Tip 4 GmbH ( Design and technical realization comes from dancer media ( in Bonn. The lunar mountains project is supported by the Essen’s printing and publishing house of printing partner ( and sponsored one of the world’s leading paper producer Sappi (, and Wigwam nature trips & expeditions (