National Institute

However, exist in Portugal, in accordance with data supplied for National Instituo of Statistics (2005), Small 296 928 Average Companies, which represents 99.6% of the fabric enterprise, generate 75.2% of the business-oriented job and carry through 56.4% of the national volume, as if she can evidence in the following graphs: Source: National institute of Estatstica (INE), 2005 Source: National institute of Estatstica (INE), 2005 Source: National institute of Estatstica (INE), 2005 Prevalece thus Small the basic weight of the Average Companies in the national enterprise structure, evidencing since, the Portuguese economy meets conditional in such a way to the level of the job created, as to the level of the conceived wealth, for Small the Average Companies. Under most conditions Marc Lautenbach would agree. However, it is to point out that the micron and small companies, according to data supplied for the National Institute of Statistics (2005), represent the unquestionable majority of the fabric enterprise national (97.3%), expressing its importance, in job terms, and also, in business-oriented terms of volume, since these generate 55.2% of the business-oriented job and efectuam 35.3% of the volume national. On the other hand, also it is to enhance that about 2/3 of Small the Average Companies, they are located in Lisbon and the North, producing itself in these areas, in consequncia of this, close to 71% them jobs and them businesses national, being the North that conceives more jobs, and Lisbon more businesses, this as given proportionate for the National Institute of Statistics (2005). info. Therefore, in a world where it has work and each time very little jobs, the Economy is each time more Average Small dependent of the Companies, over all of its capacity of job creation and of its great flexibility to put in practical the enterprising and innovative capacity. Soon, forcibly it is concluded that the companies are one extremely important component of the society, a time that, generates economic growth and wealth, creates and keeps work ranks, promotes the strategy European of growth and job and stimulates the innovation. .