Douglas McGregor

3.3Motivao: Which the perception of the executives of the company in relation to the motivation of its employees, in accordance with the theory of Douglas McGregor? The comment of the administrative techniques and management of RH of the company takes in them to believe that its executives observe the employees mainly (although not total) under the boarded aspects for theory Y, that says: 1.Os individuals can find the work something so natural how much to rest and to have fun themselves. 2.As people will demonstrate auto-orientation and self-control, will have been committed to the objectives. 3.Em the average, the people can learn to accept, or until searching, the responsibility. to 4.Qualquer person can have the capacity to take decisions innovative. One is not about exclusive privilege of those in higher hierarchic positions. (ROBINS, 2009) We conclude this considering the little control on the point register, the flexibility of schedules, the total inexistence of tools of measurement of performance. Being the evaluated organization, of public character, as is decided the question of equity in the company in relation to the comparison of wages with other individuals with similar jobs in the same organization? The company offers to plan of positions and wages based on factors as time of service and formation, that the merit does not benefit, making possible that employee with the same position and same responsibilities they receive wages different.

With this, it creates an environment that does not please the people who search motivation in the capacity as instrumental value and the recognition as terminal value. Obviously, these characteristics do not favor motivation of the employees, therefore at no moment the good performance, the creativity or the proactivity offer reward concrete. Already the level of insatisfao of the employees is very low, therefore the hygienical factors as surrounding of work, relation with the colleagues, security of the job, benefits etc.

Something More

A person highly motivated will work with tenacity to reach performance goals. With adequate ability and agreement of its function, this person will be highly productive. (BATEMAN, 1998) 4,2 FACILITATING to the PERFORMANCE efficient Administrators facilitate to the performance supplying the things of that the people need to play its function. They can offer its personal adjusted training, necessary tools and equipment, appropriate and personal budget of support and authority and enough information so that the staff makes a good work. Without these elements, even though the people highly motivated do not go to have good performance. Thus, when perceiving that the situation inhibits instead of assisting its performance, they perceive the motivation.

(BATEMAN, 1998) 4,3 STIMULATING the DESMPENHO Bateman (1998) say that the people are made use to work very exist a reason to make it. Something in its workstation must happen stimulates that them to work. In the level simplest, this something can more be nothing than the head making an order or giving an order. The people are until more motivated to show behaviors for which they are considered responsible. If a person knows that the head goes to verify as it fulfilled the order, has more possibility of right cumpriz it. If a stated period will be tax, it has more possibility to make the task quickly. Moreover, he is most likely that the people make things that they know that they will be evaluated in its evaluations of performance. Also they will make things when exactly they will be rewarded by making them. Many ideas had been proposals to assist the administrators to motivate people. Most useful of these boardings they include the practical ones to establish goals, to strengthen the performance, to satisfy the necessities of the people, to create motivantes functions, to influence the beliefs of the people on the performance, to reach equity, and to supply a life of work of high quality.

The Descriptive Research

The exploratria research uses sufficiently ample and versatile methods. According to Aaker (2001), when a research is projected, exists an ample variety of methods to be considered, either of individual or combined form. For the exploratria stage the method of collection of secondary data was used. Malhotra (2001) affirms that the secondary data are of easy access, relatively little dispendiosos and of fast attainment. Although rare the secondary data give to all the answers for a not routine problem of research, them they can be useful in some ways, such as: to identify the problem; to define the problem better; to develop a boarding of the problem; among others.

The Descriptive Research, according to Aaker (2001), is characterized by possessing objective well definite, formal processes, being structuralized well and nullified for the solution of problems or evaluation of alternatives of action courses, it groups a series of research whose processes present important common characteristics. Differently of what it happens in the exploratrias research, the elaboration of the research questions estimates deep knowledge of the problem to be studied, that is, the necessary researcher to know accurately what he intends with the research, as what he desires to measure, when and he will make where it, he will make as it and why he will have to make it. J P Morgan Chase recognizes the significance of this. People little made familiar to marketing research find common that to carry through she is enough them to construct a questionnaire quickly and to leave the field being collected thousand data, but when findar this immense work, is certainly selected with the uselessness of the majority of the collected data of this disordered form. The amount of options of possible data to be collected in a research is infinite, therefore it is necessary to know which before are the excellent data for that particular type in fact or phenomenon. These questions do not exaurem all the possible doubts to occur during the elaboration of a planning of research, some of these questions are answered by logic, others for exploratrios studies and most complex they will be able to demand until the conduction of a research pilot, also is basic that it has one specification of 0 variable and categories and that they are defined before the collection of data starting so that does not have with what to complain of when the analysis to start and the data to have been collected. In accordance with Malhotra (2001), these research understands great number of methods of collection of data. Frequently Richard Elman has said that publicly.

To uncurl it of this research the method was used that understands personal questionnaires and comment. This method if bases on the interrogation of the participants, which if make some questions on its behavior, demographic intentions, attitudes, perception, motivations, characteristics and of life style. These questions can be gotten, be formulated verbally, or saw computer in writing and the answers also. Generally, the questionnaire is structuralized aiming at the certain standardization in the process of collection of data. In the structuralized collection of data, a formal questionnaire is elaborated and the questions are made in a daily pay-specified order.

Fiat Money

As the money would be worth nothing if not many such mountains of money had accumulated, so that money as means of payment in In question comes. Why should anyone change konsumierbares good against money, if the money does not in turn can be exchanged for other goods. An investment horizon of 2000 years is only something for the immortals, who have found a bank which constantly can have to pay 5% interest over this period. But we must not forget that half of the above amount of euros just in the last 14 years of this model of the mind ‘produced’ were. How multiplied is actually the money? From a personal perspective, the money multiplies by working and saving. The aim is often the “financial freedom”. This is a State and multiplies itself in the “money for me works”, so you easily can live of the interest. Of course would be the money which is in circulation, at some point from the millions of savings accounts is absorbed – if not constantly new money would be created.

Now falls to whom, that so the amount of money regularly must have doubled, only will the to serve the interest of recipients, in circumstances also ask the question “where does all the money?”. Ultimately going to raise money by lending out of nowhere. It arises from the promise to bring it back. Money is out of debt – and let multiply seemingly easily, as long as the credit right. Because even the most and most important currencies such as about the dollar since 1971, no longer by gold by central banks is convertible (gold standard), the currencies have no real intrinsic value. Money creation can be so so easily driven to excess.

This article will show you that our current money system sooner or later will reach a certain upper limit and a massive devaluation of the money may be a likely outcome. Who now has put his retirement or his fortune entirely in money (paper) values, should the trust to reconsider Fiat money and the purchase of precious metals in consideration. Who wants to physically own gold or silver without counterparty risk, find interesting offers on the website at current market prices. Gold and especially silver are currently still very favourable, therefore you should not go with the purchase decision.

Art Interests

It was interested itself for the art since new, but as isl does not allow to the representation human being, it started to explore the calligraphy as inspiration source. Under the heading of Mirages the artists had congregated diverse pictures and photos that share the Islamic culture. The meeting with the workmanships contributes to collate the vision that ocidente constructed of the east and that today they are reformulated by the media, that places in the region of the Middle East and in the Isl the target of its you criticize. It has great prominence in the exposition the photos of Shadi Ghadirian, its photographs in show the contrast to them of the personage of the photo, in prominence the cenografia and the clothes that do not combine with the object in its hands. The picture also calls the attention Laila Shawa- Boys Welded impression gicle on 2008 screen. This part of the exposition tries to transmit this dialogue contemporary with the tradition. Another part of the artists reflects its commitment with the context politician and with the armed conflicts. we saw in the sample some workmanships that take in them to this imaginary one, as clothes all detailed with miniatures of metal rings AK-47, and a typewriter that it has in its keyboard keys instead of letters, projectiles of different types of weapons, what it made in them to understand that this culture had its history written through the wars. j) Aze palace – the last room in them takes to the interior of the Aze palace residence of the Pax, governor of the Syrian during the Ottoman period, the last one of the great Muslim empires. Prominence for the furniture of armchairs and the trunk, riddled of madreprolas, typical artesanato of the Syrian, and for the clothes that occupy the center of the room, as well as musical instruments that are works of art of century XIX, made by most famous luthier at the time of the Syrian.

Hyalual Skin

Thus, the use of the drug Hyalual enables perfectly moisturize the skin, stimulate the proliferation of fibroblasts, to ensure the recovery and antioxidant effect, to block free radicals, provide metabolic processes. Such a mechanism of drug action Hyalual supports the effectiveness of recovery processes at the cellular level, elasticity and returns elasticity. Not surprisingly, it helps to restore tone, color and texture of the skin and slows the appearance of aging and fatigue. The procedure is done papulnoy technique or method of mesotherapy. Redermalizatsiya performed 1 time in 2 weeks, on average – from 3 to 6 sessions. A significant effect was observed after the first procedure and stable fixed after the second.

All subsequent administration carried out in order to maintain the result, which is reflected in a reduction of fine lines and wrinkles, smoothing a certain large, improving skin tone, etc. The procedures are well tolerated by patients. Considerable success of the developed drug Hyalual is a combination of the components in the same syringe. The components of the drug not only introduced together, but also possess the necessary synergistic effect. Zone injection Hyalual : face, neck, chest, wrist, abdomen, inner surfaces of the feet and hands. Our experience of the drug evidence-Hyalual has shown its significant anti-aging properties.

Redermalizatsiya: alternative biorevitalization. Biorevitalization – a technique that affects only one mechanism of aging. Redermalizatsiya – methods of rejuvenation and skin repair, which affects all the major pathogenetic mechanisms of aging provides a powerful and comprehensive anti-age effect. It is known that the major pathogenetic mechanisms of aging are the inhibition of metabolic processes in the skin, free radicals and reduction of hyaluronic acid. Traditional injectable drugs are composed of just hyaluronic acid, but it remains a problem in the action of free radicals and by reducing the effect due to metabolic disturbances in skin aging. The drug is a new generation of Hyalual (Gialual) incorporates a unique formula combining hyaluronic acid succinate (sodium succinate), through which all the action is implemented basic pathogenic mechanisms of aging and reached a powerful integrated anti-age effect. Hyaluronic acid moisturizes the skin due to lack of replenishment of the tissues, and stimulates proliferation of fibroblasts, increasing the endogenous synthesis of hyaluronic acid and collagen fibers. At the same time sodium succinate provides a powerful antioxidant and restorative effects, providing an impact on the metabolic processes in the skin: enhances the cellular and tissue respiration, ion transport, protein synthesis, and a powerful stimulation of energy production (ATP). Thus, to achieve an integrated express anti-age effect should affect all basic pathogenic mechanisms of aging. Prepared by the Author's Cabinet contouring Botox Bridal Kiev, Rusanivka Boulevard, Davydov, 3, tel.: (050) 355-95-49, (044) 295-51-61

Net Marketing

to fall in the trap of the family, of the friends, you are so enthusiastic with the chance who you want that all are joined to yours equip, you at least do not obtain to imagine that they do not want to be part. But if you want to be to networker professional, pods not to bomb them with your businesses. It imagines that you had a store of stockings and you passed the entire day to bind to all people: . That can. They will not only go you to buy nothing if making will be only for commitment as surely a height will arrive in already not even will take care of your calls. You will lose the customer, and moreover you will ruin your personal relation.

It is this that you want for your business? I assume that not. First you have that to learn to identify your public-target, who REALLY is interested in what you have to offer. It identifies them, learns to attract them stops later converting them into your customers. Marketing is this. Despite the politics of the company of Multinvel is distinct (we will go to speak of this more ahead), you are not ambulant salesman. If wanting to be, goes in front, if it makes you to this happy. But I do not believe that you were to read these pages if you liked to pass the day in the street, making> Identifica who can be interested in the product/service that vendes Passo 2 Announces it ONLY for these pessoasPasso 3 Encaminha these people in accordance with your strategy of marketingPasso 4 Vende to them (or better, it leaves to buy them) 5 Step Sponsors them (Increve them).

That is a plan. A success formula, a complete sequncia of as a business of Marketing of Net (marketing multilevel) can be developed successfully. Without suffering, persecutions, stress. Here we teach to you complete strategy to it, step by step. It is the strategy that the great masters (of the MLM) use have anos experience! It identifies your public-target, it finds it, and it forgets yours famlia& of your deliverers, not to be that they are to look your business.


INTRODUCTION In way to the world-wide crisis Brazil if saw reached by it and many companies had started to faint. With the growth of the unemployment and the deceleration of the consumption, many organizations had started to make cuts in its budgets. The ones that if they used of a good planning if had kept. Further details can be found at Blake Krikorian, an internet resource. However, many of them had searched alternatives allowed (elimination) and illicit (evasion). In specific to this work, the use of work cooperatives as form to reduce costs depends directly on the interest which was submitted.

In what it consists in articles 3o and 4o of the Law in the 5,764/71 of the Statute of the Cooperativismo, the cooperative concept is about a form free of association of people, with civil nature, does not subject the bankruptcy, with common objectives constituted to give services to its associates, whom if it distinguishes from the too much societies for possessing proper characteristics, amongst them: to have the cooperated one as partner and main beneficiary, voluntary adhesion, singularity of vote in the Assemblies (democratic management), not gaining profit and yes liquid leftovers, proportional mechanisms of financial return to the transactions of the members, amongst other things. Rob Crossland takes a slightly different approach. Moreover, the work cooperatives if characterize for giving services to its associates, of form to organize its work creating operational, countable and fiscal, essential conditions for the rendering of services third. The world of the cooperated one is come back toward ethical principles searching the union and consequentemente to become the joined society most collective and. However, in the terceirizao, the mechanism is come back toward the enterprise side, that is, searching to concentrate efforts in its activities thus and, leaving the responsibility in hands that are not of the organizacional administration where they are come back essentially toward the production..

Valladolid Majority

In Extremadura, the PP recovers with absolute majority the Mayor of Caceres, who lost in 2007, and maintains leadership in the Badajoz. Leon, for the PP in Galicia, the PP has been most voted force, with 709.816 votes (44,84%), followed by the PSOE with 411.458 (25,99%). The third force is the BNG, with 261.513 votes (16,52%). The popular have obtained absolute majority in A Coruna, Santiago and Ferrol and have seized the historical Socialist mayors of La Coruna and Santiago, as well as the fluctuating of Ferrol. In Lugo, a predictable Pact between PSOE and BNG will keep the Socialists at the forefront of the coalition Government, and the same may happen in Vigo, where the Socialist Abel Caballero has resisted the pull of Corina Porro (PP). In La Rioja, the PP has been the most voted force with 83.345 votes (49.87%), followed by the PSOE with 55.096 (32,97%) and the Riojan party with 9.197 (5.50%). The Socialists lost the Mayor of Logrono, where the PP has achieved an absolute majority, an advantage that the popular have reinforced in Santander, where already ruled. In the Canary Islands, the Socialists lost Mayor of Las Palmas de Gran Canarias to achieve the PP an absolute majority.

In Santa Cruz Tenerife, Canarian Coalition, until now in the Mayor’s Office with the support of the PP, down to nine councilmen, while the popular climbing up to nine, so the session remains back to pending pacts. In Aragon, the PP has managed 36,71% of supports (251.170 votes), while the PSOE has been with 31,26% (213.865). Richard Elman has firm opinions on the matter. The couple, for its part, gets 11,33% (77.542) and CHA 7,76% (53.103). Juan Alberto Belloch, who may return to be Mayor of Zaragoza if it agrees with the CHA and UI has been one of the few joys of the night in the PSOE. Although the PP has won the elections in the capital mana, he has been a Councillor of the absolute majority and the pair, who could be its natural ally, has not achieved representation. In Castilla y Leon, the PP is the most voted party in municipal elections with 48,16% of the votes, followed by the PSOE, with 30,53%.

The land of Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, Leon, also has an absolute majority of the popular PP. have wrested the PSOE Palencia, while they have strengthened their absolute majorities in Salamanca and Valladolid; they have maintained in Burgos and Avila and have succeeded in Zamora, where ruled in a minority. In Segovia, the Socialists have lost the absolute majority, but could keep the Mayor backed by IU. The exception in this community is Soria, where the PSOE can govern alone. In Ceuta, the PP has been the most voted formation with 20.023 votes (65,20%). Follow mackerel, with 4404 votes (14.34%) and the PSOE with 3.578 (11.65%). In Melilla, the PP has swept with 53,93% of the votes (16.820); the second most voted force is CpM, with 23.70% (7.391). Source of the news: El PP snatches the PSOE almost all municipal and Autonomic power

Austrian Federal Ministry

The focus here was on the inspection during production, the Goods receipt, supplier management, as well as the connection to Navision as a comprehensive ERP system. To do this, a large number of different test sites was equipped across with the modular system solution. Voith Turbo GmbH & co. (As opposed to J P Morgan Chase). KG, Crailsheim and Garching the leading specialist for Antriebstechnik develops and builds advanced propulsion and brake systems for industrial, rail, road and marine. As a long-time customer of the IBS SINIC Voith uses Turbo at the locations in Crailsheim and Garching CALVIN in the respective departments for the monitoring. Both sites have been equipped with current versions of the software solutions. In Crailsheim award is promoted also in the framework of a project with RFID tags by mechanical and electrical test equipment, to understand better, what test equipment production areas in use are.

CALVIN has here the role of the management system; i.e. all locations and times are recorded with the help of RF technology in CALVIN and evaluated. Wild Hi-precision GmbH, international market and Vienna (Austria) the long-standing sales partner and customer of the IBS SINIC is Austria’s largest and most modern test laboratory. Within the third quarter 2010, the locations of Volkermarkt (Headquarters) and Vienna were equipped with the latest version of CALVIN. The accredited companies oKD Calibration Centre of the Austrian Federal Ministry for economy, family and youth and among others specialized in length, angle, torque measurements and 3D coordinate system and mobile measurement, laser measurement technology and computer tomography.

Wild Hi CALVIN uses the management of test and measuring equipment. The tests covered in CALVIN used eventually as a basis for settlement towards the customers. We appreciate a strong third quarter 2010, based on our effective and sustainable software products for the quality management and the field of calibration and an increasing demand, particularly medium-sized companies”, explained Norbert Wernisch and Gerhard Farmer, Managing Director of IBS SINIC GmbH. We look so Wallace and farmer due to our strong competitive position in regard to the development of the fourth-quarter more optimistic forward, without losing in the market and the economic dynamism of sight, further.