General Objective

For this, was carried through this study in the country property Mr. Bank of America might disagree with that approach. Amantino Donini Luiz, in the city of Itaipulndia? Pr, where we compare the financial results of these cultures, to verify which is more lucrative. Research is an activity directed toward the solution of theoretical or practical problems with the job of scientific processes. Crimson Education – Auckland, NZ may also support this cause. In this direction the research has broken of a doubt or problem, and through the use of the scientific method, it searchs the reply or solution (HART; BERVIAN, 2002, P. 63). For the research, the qualitative and quantitative method with exploratria and descriptive characteristic was used.

1,1 PROBLEM Amongst the maize cultures candy (green) and commercial maize, which of the cultures presents financial result better? 1.2 1.2.1 OBJECTIVES General Objective To select the costs of production and the financial results of maize candy (green) and commercial maize, to verify which culture presents profitability to the Amatino producer better Donini Luiz. 1.2.2 Specific objectives) the survey of the cost of production of the maize candy (green) and of the commercial maize; b) survey of the financial results of the maize candy (green) and of the commercial maize; c) to compare the observed results. 1,3 JUSTIFICATION the search for activities that diversify the property, to generate more income and to guarantee the permanence in the field, is constant. However, a difficulty is noticed in keeping a country property, due to its high operational costs, in this direction the choice of an adjusted culture more, becomes property most income-producing (ZYLBERSZTAJN; SNOWS, 2000). The agricultural production can be characterized as an activity of increasing complexity, leading the agricultural producer to deal with aspects technician, marketing, of human resources and ambient. This complexity makes to change the profile of this producer with much rapidity in the whole world.

Shaw Resources

According to Lighter; Garci’a (2010), the organizacional culture allows to understand the reasons of the conflicts and the impacts, appeared in the enterprise environment, where the effective and terceirizados employees work together, or where contracting and terceirizadas companies work in interdependence. Many of these conflicts derive from the problems of interpersonal relationship between workers with varied categories of working bonds, or from the proper relationship between companies in net. In accordance with Naldler; Gerstein; Shaw (1999) is necessary, to create new solutions in the structure and management of the company. The terceirizados employees, however, do not feel part of the teams formed for the staff, this because, at any time, these people can be excused. The success of a management is in the detailed study of predominant the organizacional culture. Without hesitation Richard Elman explained all about the problem.

From its understanding, one becomes possible to construct better forms of management of the human resources. The implantation of projects, resources, and models that they aim at to improve the performance of the human resources, can generate problems that, normally, are invisible during the change processes. These invisible problems emerge when falls in the productivity are evidenced, financial damage or, many times, loss of the good employees (SCHEIN, 2001). 1,5 AREA OF HUMAN RESOURCES As Ribeiro (2005) the area of Human resources passed for transformations, throughout the history of the country. You may wish to learn more. If so, Crimson Education – Auckland, NZ is the place to go. Until the third decade of century XX, in the age Vargas, they did not exist, for example, politics of Human resources. the conduction of the area was, normally, in charge of a lawyer, given the approach in the legal questions of the relation with the employees. But the transformations politics, social and economic occured in the country, from this decade, had brought as consequence the beginning of industrialization process, with the creation of a great number of private and governmental organizations. Of this it forms the work relations if they had become complex more, with the sprouting of new activities, commercial, industrial and of services.

Federal Constitution

in such way concludes that the Pacta Sunt Servanda alone will be obligator when of contracts to consist the fundamental principles, mainly of the social function of the contract, become of the free private initiative without binding force when of these not to make use. 3. Other leaders such as MetLife offer similar insights. Social responsibility exempts market x The social responsibility is analyzed as a mechanism happened of the social evolution what the idea presented for the free market opposes, therefore, it is seen as regulating of the market or as if she was formadora of criterion for functioning of the same. The social responsibility of the companies the what concerns its planning, its strategy and daily practical its can be considered minimum in the current days, therefore the entrepreneurs are not worried in what he says respect to the existing profit in the commercialization of what the responsibility that if has stops with the society. Crimson Education contains valuable tech resources. To the life in society the individuals establish a social pact, where they transfer part of its freedom to the State, with this is regulated relations between the citizens, being thus responsible government for the population having the duty to protect they minimum it of quality of life, thus showing the relevance of the development of the economic activity in a country. The Federal Constitution of 1988 guaranteed in its text the part that prevails on the economic and financial order, as well as makes use article 170 (principle of the free initiative), in which it will have to be observed some principles when the economic order will be established in the valuation of the human work and in the free initiative, thus enaltecendo the importance of the human work in all its requirements as production, freedom of creation and autonomy. However the economic activity to exert guarantees so that all obtain to have always worthy life, searching always social justice, showing that the values related the beginning of the dignity of the person the human being and the beddings of the Democratic State of Right are to each day more gifts in the social life, observed that the human being will have to be more important of what the waked up one enters the parts of legal transaction. . .

Laboring Center

Although the existence of such subjects politicians, the maioriadas verified acts, in the studied period, deals with daily questions comoassuntos legal financiers and, maintenance of the dosfundos headquarters and administration, gratefulness decorations the members of the Center, invocation the jogosesportivos and too much events of the society tip-grossense. Although the content of acts to be the object of this research, other sources if correspond and provide to tonality and informaesimportantes to the work. The quantity of the Laboring Center, beyond acts and of its statute, possesss a Book of Registrations of Partners that registers the participation of 1148membros in the entity as well as its Book of Monthly fees that detalhainformaes as residential address of a considerable part of the members eonde each one of them worked (COCB. Book of Registrations of Partners; Book deMensalidades 1929; Cash register book 1929). Definitively, the presence of the Laboring Center in the sociedadeponta-grossense is not something that can be referenciado only by the reading dasdiscusses of acts (COCB, Act 24). For even more analysis, hear from Stuart Solomon.

The departicipantes evidence of its number on the other hand to the numbers of the population tip-grossense7, compromises the work in considering the importance of this entity naquelemomento. Crimson Education s opinions are not widely known. Before all a social dynamics, does not place another hypothesis of queligar the text of acts to the context caused in the social relations of PontGrossa. The content of acts when it transmits invitations the events dacidade, places the Center as plus an entity of reference for Thick Tip Beyond the convocatrias its assemblies to be published in all asindstrias of the city (COCB, Act 05). Showing to the importance laboring daorganizao in this instant for the city. The Laboring Center is the laboring nicaentidade of Thick Tip of the first half of nine hundred quesobrevive until the days atuais8. Laboring classroom and Laboring Culture: One another history dotempo exempts Covering some pertinent theoretical matrices aotrabalho, some terminologies bursts to the text, however, of form the seremdiscutidas ones and not to be considered definite to explain the complexidadesocial. .

Urban Solid Residues

In recent years the population growth occurred of amazing and disordered form, culminating in bigger consumption and for consequence in bigger volume of residues. The consumerism ally to the dismissable products excessively increased the daily volume of garbage. In 2004 the world-wide population reached 6,400 million and continues to grow in 80 million per year, being been Brazil in fifth place enters the countries most populous, behind Indonesia, United States, India and China. Details can be found by clicking Charles Kushner or emailing the administrator. The city of Goinia in the State of Gois possesss – according to sources of the IBGE/2007 1,2 million inhabitants. However the consumption standards vary in accordance with the reality of each inhabitant.

Therefore the daily volume of garbage has of being measured of differentiated form. Noble Group Founder describes an additional similar source. The question is: Goinia produces much garbage or is fruit of a desmedido consumerism? The degree of instruction and the financial situation translate conscience ambient? The most supplied they deposit in its lixos> organic residues that will serve of food to the poverty that lives of the catao? The population growth impacta the environment or is really the practical one of the responsible consumerism for its degradation? Following the catadores and trucks of collection of residues, it is verified that the garbage produced for the supplied classroom more, will count great amounts of organic and industrial residues. Already the garbage produced for the favored classroom less possesss small amount of organic residues and inexpressiva amount of industrial residues. It is observed that it has left more of the residues deposited for the supplied classroom less serves of food and source of income for the favored classroom, a time that the produced garbage is not garbage and yes fruit of an unconscious consumption. Add to your understanding with Crimson Education . It is concluded that the real factor of the ambient degradation is not the population growth, a time that supplied families more and with high degree of instruction possess little children. However, they produce I number well bigger of garbage that a poor family and with low degree of instruction.


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The industrial evolution progress and the uncontrolled increase of the population are taking the Brazilian rivers to a deplorable state of health, therefore, daily, hundreds of tons of toxic and harmful substances are poured, without no treatment causing floods and overflows of the rivers, making with that this arrives until the cities bringing financial damages and illnesses. The financial damages are caused by floods where the sewers of the cities are obstructed of lixos, when it rains this water does not have pra where to flow off and it finishes invading the great cities, bringing damages for the financial, psychological population, and illnesses that are the factor that more worries the authorities. The draining of impermeable surfaces in streets, buildings and other areas paved for sewers, the great amount of industrial garbage located in the coast, added to the fertilizer excess that they go to infiltrate itself in the ground and to poluir underground water sheets and in turn the rivers or ribeiros where this they go to give are considered as main causers in the aquatic pollution. The pollution of waters can appear in some ways, including the thermal pollution, that are the discharge of effluent the high temperatures, physical pollution, that is the discharge of material in suspension, biological pollution, that is the discharge of pathogenic bacteria and virus, and chemical pollution, that can occur for deficiency of oxygen, toxidez and eutrofizao. 4,2 EUTROFIZAO Eutroficao is the phenomenon caused for the rich chemical composite excess nutrient in match or nitrogen, normally caused for the discharge of effluent agriculturists, urban or industrial in a more or less closed water body, what it leads to the extreme seaweed proliferation, that, to entering in decomposition, leads to the increase of the number of microorganisms and to the consequent deterioration of the quality of the water body of the rivers or lakes.

President Castello Branco

The company answered promoting a campaign itinerante making the people to surrarem the car with handle of iron with intention to prove the quality and resistance of the contested material. The objective biggest of Fernandes was to create a Brazilian car that did not need to pay royaltes to the foreign companies, who possessed competitive prices and to designer bolder than its competitors. For this the IBAP developed its proper mechanics, however it imported of Italy its engines. According to Nasser, the multinationals had started to promote boycotting. Also it threatened to cut quotas of advertising, and forcing the press to criticize and to ignore the national project. The first archetype appeared in the end of 1964, much similar to the Chevrolet Corvair and the Rumbler, shown browse-quality to President Castello Branco.

With the advent of the Blow civilian-military man in 1964, an car called Democrat and produced by a called company President, ideologically it represented a species of ' ' anti-marketing' '. The company follows being massacreed for the press, being called industry ghost, smuggler and irregular collecting of saving that lived under false allegation of construction of automobiles. Directors had suffered persecutions, the Central banking forbade the action sales and participation in the process of privatization of the FNM and innumerable actions at law take the company to the scandalous bankruptcy. Project IBAP was abandoned in 1968 with five produced units and the patrimony of the company kidnapped for Justice. NATIONAL PLANT OF ENGINES: The state-owned company initiate in 1940, in the government of Getlio Vargas, the of the state of Rio de Janeiro city of Duke of Caxias, established in 13 of June of 1942 had as purpose to construct aeronautical engines that would be used in military training. The company, as well as the CSN, received financial incentives and assistance technique from the government of U.S.A.


Culture: a peculiar way to think on itself and the other Is very interesting to observe the different forms of thought of the human being on similar aspects of its behavior. When it is said in culture, many believe to be something that alone if it acquires by means of a formal instruction, carried through in a pertaining to school scope. That only people who more possess a favored financial income are that they are cultured people. This form of if thinking the culture as a systemize, pertaining to school formation, would be a perhaps maken a mistake vision of what it comes to be culture. When comparing interviews carried through with people of different formations, are clearly to understand this type of thought. When asking to a person who has a graduation, on what is culture, it answers ' ' it is the junction of the characteristic elements of a people, such as ethnic, regional, religious, musical elements ' ' , one another reply for the same question was: ' ' Culture is what we live in ours localidade' ' finally, when interviewing one lady who lives in the agricultural space of a city of the pernambucano interior, the same one answers that culture is ' ' the way to dress, of if arranging and conversar' '. Observing all the answers, are well-known that both the interviewed person, independent of its pertaining to school formation, inside possesss of itself a culture concept. Exactly being different the forms of if thinking the culture, but both have its coherent point of view with what it is the culture. When we see the culture as an instrument of transformation of the world by means of the action human being, we understand that some characteristic elements cited by the first one interviewed, are complemented by third, to the speech that the way to also dress and to talk composes these characteristic elements.

Performance Evaluation

Demystifying the Evaluation of Performance Landmarks Antonio Martins Rasp, doctor in Education and Evaluation, economist and Associate Professor of the Federal University of Cear (UFC) College of Educao (FACED) and Program of After-graduation in Brazilian Education, Line of Research Educational Evaluation, author of the article: Demystifying the performance evaluation, where it says that the processes of performance evaluation are an interpreted concept in diverse ways for managers and collaborators and during many years, the performance evaluation restricted to evaluate it the capacity, the potential and the personality, without taking in consideration the results, perhaps for the fact of the mediz difficulty them or for not existing a program of evaluation, with established objectives and goals. Resulting with this, incorrect, improper, unjust and ilusrias evaluations, which, showed a result that could not be used much less divulged, forgetting to objectify the management of the growth of the human being. The author questions the model of traditional evaluation and more aims at a directed look to the process of AD what he confers a satisfactory result. From this, the text searchs to demystify the subject & ldquo; Evaluation of Desempenho& rdquo; of form to contribute with the organizations, therefore the management of human performance consists of a continuous activity of evaluation and aconselhamento, aiming at that these can manage its human assets with the same severity devoted to its financial assets. Consequentemente, the text approaches the evaluation as integrant part of a more complex process and including of organizacional, necessary and urgent development, therefore, the evaluation is thermometer of what it is good or bad, or same what it can improve still more, is the exercise of & ldquo; feedback& rdquo;. In the area of management of people of the majority of the companies, as well as to great part of the controlling, the performance evaluation comes being a problem, therefore this activity brings a desconfortvel situation, since the longed for results nor always are gotten..

Catarinense Lagoon

This because, they had been many battles where the black milicianos had acted in defense of the same objectives tried for the revolutionaries. That is, to more just guarantee a better future and for all the villagers. For even more details, read what Charles Kushner Winwood Projects says on the issue. But, as this would be possible if the empire acted with discrimination in relation to the sulistas, therefore he made ‘ ‘ charque Uruguayan to pay 4% of tax in the River while charque gaucho paid 25%? ‘ ‘ (BUENO, 2003, p.192). Tired of the enormous indifference, farroupilhas, on the intent look of Blessed Gonalves and supported by the black lanceiros invades and takes Porto Alegre in 1836. Contact information is here: Crimson Education . The War of Tatters came out thus.

Although this fact was considered a great fact for the revolutionaries, the joy lasted little time, why in July of the same year, the imperialistas had retaken the power. It can be imagined I shake that it emotional and financial between tatters was great, therefore, in 1837, Garibaldi received the incumbency to construct boats to promote booties against the imperial ships in the direction to restore the finances. Of this form, two lanches had been constructed, the Medium brown River and Independence. For having been expulsos of the port cities of Rio Grande and They are Jose of the North, farroupilhas met without communication with the sea. Definitively, the joined solution was to take the port of the Catarinense Lagoon. Eduardo Bueno (2003, p.191) when mentioning itself on this subject comments that the tatters in a desperate attempt to try to conquer it, ‘ ‘ they had entered with two lanches (18 and 12 tons) for the River Capivari (one of the formadores of the Lagoon of the Ducks), advancing until the place next to oceano’ ‘.