American Airlines

Monday, 02 August of the current year. Lourdes is in trouble. With these words the franco Jaime Bayly shooter begins his television program. She claims to be a clean and transparent politics, but who tell us how much money received catano?. Hid us that information, and that silent grants. Catano is an alleged drug trafficker. Almost certainly that it is. She should have not received money from this subject says Jaime.

Jaime shows a voluminous document that Lourdes has sent to you, and that supposedly is the affidavit of all your income (not said since when) as a lawyer at a law firm and personally. Jaime says that it was not necessary to send that Tome, because the question was very simple paid him much Catano as President of American Airlines? She wants to dodge that question, because it gives you ashamed to say how much it paid. You want to wallpaper. He wants us to be confused with a lot of figures. But we have made an overview of this Declaration; and in it we We realize that 74% of these revenues, received them from the safe drug trafficker Catano. This amount is the sum of 320 thousand dollars approximately. Lourdes acknowledges that he received this money, but scandalous is that it has come from this man the payment mentioned Jaime. Continuous Jaime instructing us: when Lourdes last year agreed to be President of this air carrier American Airlines was the fourth television program power and said that she felt proud to work for this guy because he was an exemplary person.

And then in another program that it would put hands to the fire by this man, she felt good to be his lawyer said. It is seen that the radar to capture the maliciousness of the people is broken in Lourdes. Therefore rightly so the leader of the party PPC Lucho Bedoya tilda it of inocentona.

Financial Statements

There is no doubt, the usefulness of financial statements for administrative decision-making within and outside the company. However, the truth is, many companies to prepare their financial statements to users outside the company but with some commercial or contractual relationship. At the international level, even and when financial statements are very similar, there are many differences from one country to another in the form of elaborate them and present them, due to various circumstances, being social, economic and legal. But one of the most important reasons for these differences is the needs of the users of these financial statements, and the need for compliance with the accounting regulations of each country. This has led to the use of various definitions for the elements of financial statements such as assets, liabilities, assets, income and expenses. And, consequently, these circumstances have led to the use or application of different criteria for the recognition of the different items in the financial statements and at the same time, to the inclination toward certain preferences about the different bases of measurement.

That has caused that, both the scope and the information disclosed in the financial statements have been affected by the circumstances described. Accordingly, the Committee of international accounting standards (IASC, by its acronym in English) has the Mission of reducing such differences, what through the pursuit of harmonisation between regulations, accounting standards and procedures relating to the preparation and presentation of financial statements. For IASC broader harmonisation can be better pursued if efforts are focused in the financial statements that are prepared with the purpose of supplying information that is useful for making economic decisions. The IASC Board believes that financial statements prepared for that purpose needs common for the majority of users. This is because almost all users make economic decisions, such as for example the following: 1.-decide whether to buy, hold or sell financial investments of capital; 2 Assess the behavior or action by administrators; 3 To evaluate the ability of the entity to meet the payments and provide other benefits to its employees; 4 Evaluate the safety of the funds provided to the entity; 5 Determine taxation policies; 6 Determine distributable profits and dividends; 7 Prepare and use national income statistics; or 8.-regulate the activities of entities. The Council recognizes that each Government, in particular, can set different or additional requirements for their own interests. However such accounting requirements should not affect the financial statements published for the benefit of other users, unless they also meet the needs of those users. Felix Miranda Quesada. Authorized public accountant. Certificate in international financial reporting standards.

Interactive Copywriting School

In the Internet today survives not so many professions that can afford to work with a free schedule and at a considerable distance. In many cases, special knowledge and skills brings a good income to remote designers, programmers, all sorts of web-masters and content managers. The product of their labor is measured by sending customers in kilobytes, not in terms of material that suits interacting parties, regardless of location. However, there is such a profession as a copywriter – the creator of not only advertising, but in general any texts for the web, as well as various stateynogo material. If we consider the profession as a network, then it goes a copywriter with a capital letter, which develop slogans and give the names of new brands. Such specialists like hot cakes and they work off-line for a very decent money. But the majority of copywriters, lyricist demand is on the Internet.

Real business slowly began to develop the World Wide Web and to actively use its economic advantages. Today many people, heard vaguely about copywriting, not really figured out what to do, is proud to declare: "I am going to start soon to earn a living by writing texts and articles. By the way, do not know how much you can earn it? ". What can I say, except that it is either will remain pathetic attempts, or a waste of time. Need to learn copywriting, and where – few people are aware. Today, the official professional copywriter no. That is "industrial climber" is, advertising manager and Specialist public relations too.

However, copywriting is becoming more in demand, with a high level of quality. For those who are already well aware that learning copywriting – not easy, works online copywriting school "Test mode". The very process of learning in school is free, and for access to closed sections required to pay a symbolic amount. Only now are taking on the school of copywriting is not all, in fact ensure quality learning outcomes for the procedure is necessary before a very renowned organizations and institutions of advertising. The school is a definite plus – the training, test-taking workshops and is not limited, except for a maximum period allotted for study at school copywriters. There are drawbacks – will have to learn and work on practical tasks independently, and, make no one no one will. Quickly and soon will not work – for the study of selected educational literature will take time, attention and desire to achieve. Service learning is fully interactive copywriter, but without self-discipline required to master at least it will be difficult. Copywriter – a profession at all times, because in a remote location and office environment in any specialist to create a text will find a deal, regardless of age and location.

Brilliant Business

We are facing the global biggest change of this era that requires transformations that are beyond our reality. We ourselves that give shape to our lives through our actions.We live our lives waiting for a stroke of luck that solve us all the problems?We all know that to change our life it is necessary to change our attitude, but while we know, do not do so because it is too difficult, boring or because believe us incapable of doing so. Any person can achieve prosperity if that is what they choose. You wake up the financial genius who carefully preserved inside yourself! Today we need new systems to find financial security in the world where the security of employment is scarce. Think that employment will provide you security means lying to yourself. The majority of people want to make money, but unfortunately they are not willing to invest their time and effort.

If your thinking about seriously begin your journey toward financial independence and freedom, you have to commit yourself for a period of time to learn the right skills, grow and change your mental attitude, your core values, and discover a world of people who will accompany you to sharing the same passion with you along the way. Such relationships are invaluable. All you have to do is open your mind, your eyes and be receptive to the power of the opportunity that you have in front of you. Now is the time to enter a new era with the business that can be handled only with the information.The time has come so that all people of the world have the opportunity to enjoy the riches and abundance of life. It awakens the opportunity to learn and grow, leaves behind your fears, take action and starts to fly! You can not improve your future without being willing to try something new, letting you guide and learn from successful people. Most of the search engines do not have skills that they Allow starting a business from scratch and wisdom that you need to be a successful entrepreneur. Build a business worldwide requires a financial education that is priceless. It is an exciting experience thanks to which you will learn the mental attitude and open mind required to achieve success in your life.

However, it is the financial education that will change your life and will have a tremendous impact on your business. Although the excellent products and the best compensation plans are relevant, they are not the most important aspect to consider when choosing the type of business you want to undertake. Most importantly, carefully checked within the soul of the company to see if it is willing to educate yourself and train you. Work hard and not get financieramente ahead is not so good. The ones who are rich are our bosses who pay us the minimum. Today we can all return to us investors. The reason is very simple and the answer to this question is: how much revenue does an employee if it stops working? ZERO!. An investor in change although ceases to work for a period, continuous money to arrive as soon as that is the money that works for him; It is not the investor who works for the money. I strongly recommend owning your business or an investor;You’ll work less, earn more and won’t have to receive orders of your heads.Seras tu the head of yourself. Rate your financial freedom!.Here’s to your personal success!

Financial Position

Speaking of tremendous financial here Tuburones example. When a financial shark has achieved its objective of acquiring control of a company buying packages of shares in retailers thus obtaining a place on the Council, certainly for this, the negotiations can lead to a series of intermediate points in each operation. He platicare them a case of businessman Carlos Slim Helu, whom I admire and respect widely for being an entrepreneur without barriers, with vision and values. The largest construction company in the country stay ICA seriously affected toward the year 2,000, businessman acquired on the Mexican stock exchange an interesting stock package of that company practically in a couple of years, and in October 2003 the media published the major Mexican construction company, ICA, he stated that he has had conversations that could lead to the Tycoon Carlos Slim and his family become majority shareholders of the firmfacing crippling debts. The Tycoon had more than 12 per cent of the shares of ICA, think 125 million shares that It acquired less than $1.40 per share. That day the action climb to $2.70.

In brief the ICA capital through the placement of common stock increase was announced, and the businessman Slim played you 250 million shares at $2.00 each title, they listed on that date above $3.00 each. Shares continued to rise, and the financial arm of the entrepreneur (INBURSA) sold through bag million shares in packs of $4.00, during 2004. It is only an idea of what you can win a financial shark with a single company, for example earned a profit of at least 500 million pesos by Exchange of those papers of ICA, in one year. Result: The construction company most big country I capitalized, development among other contracts of the El Cajon dam, currently builds the dam La Yesca, opera roads and airports, reporting excellent utilities with a healthy financial position.


The decentralization of decision-making is essential for every company. In this article we will try to the concept of decentralization and of the reasons for carrying out this process. Concept for a moment, consider a company formed by a person, the decisions taken in the same can say, without fear of being mistaken, that they are totally centralized. From the moment that increases the number of people, begins a process of decentralization which may be higher or lower, depending on the extent that the decisions are taken at a hierarchical level plus or low inside the organization. In practice, a total decentralization, may not be always there must be a balance in the delegation of decisions that need to be the most appropriate to the size and structure of the company. Distribution of functions on an Organizacionla existence of various tasks within the business process, which require a certain degree of specialization, forcing firms to develop a functional organisational structure, such queles permitted undertake the tasks of production, sales, administration, management, financial, research, etc. However, not always is organized in a functional manner, also can be structured by business lines, products, processes or geographical areas.

The distribution of functions will depend on the strategy of the company, and the degree of decentralization who wants to have. For example, if you opt for a decentralized company you can create divisions, that facilitate the decision-making process. This comes to us either in the case of establishing profit centers, since they meet the two functions at the same time; What, on the other part, and taking into account the criterion of controllability, implies that the divisional director must have attributions on income and expenses of the division, since if not, could not be him responsible for the benefit.Although decentralization is think to automatically create a division involves the decision-making to the lowest level, while the creation of the division usually means that is establish an organizational unit around which a benefit is calculated on which that unit can operate.

Types Amaray DVD

In principle we could say that about dvd boxes is something simple, because we believe that the issue relates only to that case that a person uses to protect its DVD of any external factor that may affect their physical integrity or the integrity of the data, so that in the future can not be read by the dvd drive. However, on this same point, producers of DVD boxes have not kept efforts to explore and achieve results that make the different models and styles dvd box more suitable to the needs of the people who make use of them. Similarly, users of this product are not as flexible and as indifferent to the time of wanting to protect their belongings. Therefore, it is evident now circulating in the market different types and models of DVD boxes, which allow the user to choose the one that best suits your taste, this article will explain the most common, making annotations on the main features so that the reader can learn what is the best option to achieve excellent protection. The first has to take account of this division on the dvd box is a bit to explain the salient features on which we will do the analysis: type snap dvd boxes: Refers to how the closed box mechanism grip on the disc: Structure and how the case forces the disk to stay still to avoid scratches or damage it. Storage Capacity: Number of disks that can store colors available commercially. Form Types Amaray DVD boxes.

It measures 14 mm, plastic, rectangular, the most common colors are black and transparent, often store more than two discs per case This type of box, is most prevalent in the market, is characterized by its classic type of grip for removal , which means that all DVD Amaray boxes in the center button brings a kind of crude, which when pressed allowing removal of the disk without risk to bend or break. Dvd boxes of this type have the disadvantage that the time ends his grip mechanism, in addition to the type of brooch is not as effective. Cervical. This type of DVD boxes, it differs from the former in terms of grip mechanism (which among other things is patented) the grip mechanism consists of a series of small pin circular oriented, acting individually on the record. Although this mechanism is very effective grip is particularly annoying, because sometimes it is difficult to extract the disc, in addition, often the pins are broken (by the same force that should be used for extraction) leaving the box unused. Digipack Its main feature is to store a large number of disks is made of a material similar to cardboard (a bit less resistant), are usually transparent, and the material in which they are made, make boxes dvd that belong to this type, the less secure for the protection of the disc. Snap Case DVD boxes of this type use a grip similar to Amaray, however are characterized by the dvd is part of the front of the box, this makes it potentially dangerous, because the disk surface is exposed to the external environment.

Necessary Certificates

If you're already looking for the necessary information about certification on a global network of resources, then you must obtain a certificate of compliance or a health certificate. It seems that for yourself you have already answered the question, "and Do all certification? "definitely positive. To still feel challenged business owners will tell you that, firstly, certification – is a mandatory procedure, described in the laws of the state, and secondly, it investing in the company's market position among the many competitors. Can you believe the buyer will choose, will choose only that company, where products and services backed by quality certificates. So you've decided to issue the necessary certificates, and thus gained a positive opinion of a large range of clients and have a way to be on the international market. You now have the opportunity to freely participate in the tenders and have the right to fulfillment of state orders.

Another controversial point – do the certification procedure itself or to entrust all professionals. Can we believe that voluntary certification – is an extremely complex process, do that without problems and errors only by a person who has experience in this field. Around these days so many companies that engage in certification quickly and without problems. Find one of them that which you most fits on the list provided by the work, and, of course, the price of all services. Council – to choose the office that worked well, working with someone of your colleagues, pay special attention to the availability of accreditation organization of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology. Another self-respecting quality certification – the presence of private laboratories for research, equipped with modern equipment, where it is possible to identify the most objective and relevant research outcomes real. Use the services of a CA will be useful both to large companies and representatives of small and medium level.

In any case, each customer will be guaranteed an individual process in the preparation of the required certification. Employees are a serious company roads every customer who does not care where its location on the market. For a short time and low cost you will be able to get here the documentation package for the purchase and sale of products, as well as customs clearance, including, for example, required by law today sanitary-epidemiological conclusions, as well as certificates of conformity GOST R system, declaration of conformity, certificate of quality of products or services, certificates of conformity in the international system SovAsK, test reports, specifications, certificates of fire safety awareness and refusal letters, certificate of ISO 9000, a technical description and TE voluntary and mandatory certifications held office at the highest level and to tight deadlines. Any of the employees have great experience behind them. Among the employees of experts, doctors and PhDs working for years in the field of certification. They know their job well and help to all and each. Consultancy is provided free or for little, just a nominal, price. For our regular customers in each CA operates a system of bonuses and discounts. Be sure of your goods and services!

Residual Inselbergues

In the region of Paraibano Eastern Curimata this concern is not different, a time that some cities suffer with the hdrica scarcity arriving to pass entire weeks without canalized water of the system of local supplying. Many reservoirs used for the supplying meet with relatively low levels producing the necessity of water rationing in the periods of estiagem. The city of Araruna is located in the microregion of the Eastern Curimata, distando 165 km of the capital Joo Person, about 110 km of Campina Great the 120 km of Christmas, capital of the Rio Grande of the North. Its foundation occurred to the 10 of July of 1876. Known for its cold and ameno climate, the city possesss one of the most traditional parties of Is Joo of the Paraba, festejo popular carried through at the end of the month of June. Araruna is one of the main cities of the Paraibano Wasteland, due to its polarization to the too much cities of the Curimata of the Paraba and Serid to potiguar, making territorial limit with four cities of state of the Rio Grande of the North.

The city is inserted in the geoambiental unit of the Hand saws, Residual Inselbergues and Macios. One bes situated in the part highest of the Mountain range of the Araruna and raises it an altitude of 580 meters, what it provides ameno climate to it, above sea level characteristic of the altitude heath, whose temperature in the 18 winter arrives at C. The city is enclosed in the geographic area of abrangncia of the semibarren Brazilian, defined for the Ministry of the National Integration in 2005. This delimitation has as criteria the pluviomtrico index, the index of dryness and the risk of drought. In accordance with the IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), in the year of 2010 its population was esteem in 20.009 inhabitants.

Marx Lowy

According to ecologists, Marx, following Ricardo, all attribute to the origin of the value and all the wealth to the human work, neglecting the contribution of the nature. This critical one results, in my misunderstanding opinion of one: Marx uses the theory of the value-work to explain the origin of the value of exchange, in the scope of the capitalist system. The nature, on the other hand, it participates of the formation of the true wealth, that are not values of exchange, but values of use. (p.23) On accusation of ecologists Marx and Engels of produtivismo, Lowy disagrees, arguing that the authors, more than any one, had always denounced the logic of the capital, that is the accumulation of wealth, of good ‘ ‘ as end in si’ ‘ (p.24). The supreme objective of the progress technician for Marx is not the infinite cresimento of good (‘ ‘ ter’ ‘), but the reduction of the hours of working and the growth of the free time (‘ ‘ ser’ ‘). (p.24) Michael Lowy does not deny that he still has in Marx and Engels and in the marxism beyond them, ‘ ‘ a little critical position regarding the system of industrial production created by the capital and a trend to make of ‘ ‘ development of the forces produtivas’ ‘ , the main vector of progresso.’ ‘ (p.24). Thus, Lowy cites ‘ ‘ Preface to the critical contribution of the economy poltica’ ‘ as being a text ‘ ‘ cannico’ ‘ , and with one ‘ ‘ vision nothing problematizadora of the forces produtivas.’ ‘ (p.24). The author also brings a ticket of ‘ ‘ Grundrisse’ ‘ to demonstrate to little criticidade ‘ ‘ of Marx for the workmanship ‘ ‘ civilizatria’ ‘ of the capitalist production and for its brutal instrumentalizao of natureza.’ ‘ (p.25).