True, the Peruvian mods was put in the package to him and also a sombrero which is a straw or felt hat, depending on the season. If your financial capabilities will allow, buy a gift desperate dandies complete. Or individually: even if our fellow citizens and do not venture to put very broad sombrero with a high cone-shaped crown, coming out into the street, surely it would amuse them and a fun element of the interior. Perfectly fit into any decor (including the situation in the office) Peruvian ritual mask. They represent the spirits, angels and demons, are made of leather, clay or wood, are funny or frightening, and certainly able to attract good fortune and ward off unnecessary problems. Please visit Howard Schultz if you seek more information. Kids this mask may well scare, so for the very young is best to buy as a gift a small soft toy Lama.
This is a lovely beast of burden, rightly gained fame “Peruvian camel, bred and used in the home agriculture for millennia. Unusually rich milk Lamas has healing properties, and an amazing alpaca is considered the best in the world. So the rug from wool llamas, kids sweater or socks “from Lama “love our baby. Although adults and friends and relatives are unlikely to relinquish such obnovok! Well, to “wash” gifts and your return, do not go past what is considered almost a national treasure Peru – grape vodka “pisco.” Listen to your stories about the trip and see photos, pouring himself a bottle of green glass, made as a moai statues, your friends and colleagues will be more interesting. Peru called “Son of the Sun and the Birds.” Getting here, as if transported by a time machine for thousands of years ago. In these protected lands pagans and perfume blends today’s reality and legend bygone centuries. Brought travelers gifts and souvenirs will touch only to the edge of the mysteries surrounding this fantastic region. But they serve as a powerful incentive to ensure that the packed his bags and hit the road, this amazing, mysterious land, a visit to its talented and kind-hearted inhabitants.