From the mass of 400,000 trainers in Germany falling by new impulses. Barriers to market entry into the profession of coach are virtually non-existent. There is no generally binding profession, no mandatory training, unlimited access to the profession… A contracting entity should opt for what coach is hardly recognizable. Therefore it applies to approximately 40,000 trainer alone in Germany, to feel important trends and impulses, to be at least one step ahead in the highly competitive market.
“The count goes down: at the largest trade fair for personnel management in Europe, which staff in Cologne, will future it from 22 to 25 September 2009 again so go, the non plus ultra” to find and to distinguish themselves positively from the crowd. Particularly positive impulses staff relies on the future the Training Institute of the Reiss profile, the stations power GmbH. With the Reiss profile succeeds in trainers, to stand out from the crowd, because so far only 352 trainer in Germany are able to insert the Reiss profile. Through the training to the Reiss Profiles are master trainers and coaches able to drive your business forward and to get their piece of the pie. The areas of use of the tool are diverse: in the areas of training, coaching, team development and personal advice is excellent support for quickly viable and sustainable results.
At the same time, the education Institute focuses on quality: it carries the seal of approval of the Forum value orientation in the training e.V. (quality, transparency, integrity), and continues through a comprehensive education on the chart in the interest of the customer and the customer. As a latest approach to personality and motivation research based on comprehensive scientific studies of the American psychologist Professor Steven Reiss Reiss profiles. The Reiss profile differs in the walkability of the results of many other offers. Show previous applications in business, sports and coaching: people who identify their individual drives and use, their performance can fully unfold and be therefore permanently powerful. Information on the professional use of the Reiss profiles in Hall 5.2 on the joint stand of the BDVT (stand U. 10) the CEO of Act power Marion ZUPANCIC Anton and Stephan Gingter. You also see applications and training. Marion ZUPANCIC Anton