Region Metropolitana

Introduction in all educational field, one of the greatest challenges of our time is the ability to combine the current technological progress with the knowledge acquired and developed in different areas of knowledge. Technology and specifically computers has strongly entered in our daily work, since our work to our homes, larger everyday tasks. A leading source for info: Howard Schultz. However, despite the development in computing areas, we continue doing manual tasks or tasks of pen and paper without knowing it, can be executed with greater speed and efficiently by a computer. In the educational field Chilean and especially in special education, in what refers to the diagnostic area, there are no evaluation tests of speech and language for Chilean children who use computer advances and which are also manipulated by all education professionals. Response to this growing need developed the first assessment test in the area of speech that combines the best of two worlds: technology and knowledge.

One of the problems most often affects our child population and specifically speech, constitutes dyslalia, which could be defined as an alteration of articulatory type that consists of the omission, replacement or distortion of a phoneme (or several) in a systematic way. The causality of the dyslalia can be multiple, among which we will find: weaknesses silveri (muscle hypotonia). Anatomical malformations (fissures, short sub-lingual frenulum, the altered soft palate). Maintenance of inadequate habits (drinking bottle, suction thumb, use of Pacifiers). Alteration of prelinguisticas functions such as atypical swallowing, mouth breathing, and others. Within the most frequent dislalias are those affecting the phonemes/rr /, r /, / s /, d /, / l /, / k /, / j/and/g /. These phonemes are most likely not appear during the development, and therefore, the most problematic in what refers to its acquisition. We could point out Moreover, based on clinical experience, than the dyslalia/rr / or rhotacism is the most common of all, condition observed in more than 50% of the cases found in diagnostics centres, language schools and colleges of General basic education in the Region Metropolitana.