The quality still was on the influence of the classic paradigm, whose emphasis was the production and the concern was with the statistical control of the quality. The competitive advantage between the companies was centered in the internal efficiency of its productive process, that is, by vol. of the production. Words as quality, marketing and customer, rare were concerns of the organizations. Still according to Cavalcantes (1997, p.64), in 1956 Feigenbaum it considered the concept ' ' Control of the Total' Quality; ' TQC (abbreviation in English).
For it, to obtain an efficient control of the quality demands that if he starts for the project of the product and alone finishes when this will be at the hands of the customer principle is that quality is a work of all. In accordance with Snows (1999, p.5) the evolution of the Statistical Control of the Process? CEP for the TQC, was one of the most important unfoldings of the function of the quality. The recognition on that the final product quality depends on the quality with that the critical processes that give origin to it, since the election of the suppliers until its expedition are lead all, led to the agreement of that the adjusted control of all these processes could only assure the conformity of the product to its specifications. The following step was to recognize the one necessity ' ' System of Gesto' ' to assure the conformity of the 0 variable of all the processes on which the product depends. In this way, in the decade of 70, had been launched the bases for the implementation of the concepts of Management of the Total Quality? TQM (in English). For Juran, in Cavalcantes (1997, p.71), TQC is a concept that was extended, starting with statistical concepts and arriving today to be understood as an administration model. As Cavalcantes (1997, p.70), was only at the beginning of years 80 that the interest for the quality of the services and the human behavior appeared.