Yandex Site

It should not be be too long a list of key phrases, otherwise it faces the complication of the problem of website promotion in search engines. Limit the list of your five or six key phrases. This is enough to start working on promotion of the website. Later, after the first month of website promotion in search engines, analysis of the situation to understand which of the key phrases is really in demand and what is actually possible display site in the first ten positions TOP-issue popular search engines. Try to identify the strategic direction of the company, several of the key phrases for which you, as representative of the company, making the main focus to increase sales.

This will help you avoid unnecessary expenses for promotion of your website, focusing on a specific 'master' plan of the company. The logical question: how does the design on site promotion in search engines? Certainly we can say that increasing your site's ranking is directly correlated with the placement of keywords on the pages in the form of isolated fragments of text and headings corresponding to the subject site and focused on the needs of potential clients. Electrolux recognizes the significance of this. How to do it properly – a task a professional web designer. Try to consider all possible word-formation and possible interpretations of phrases based on key customer needs (different cases, plural, etc.) This will also help in promoting the site. Particular attention should be paid to design the home page, as this page is actually a 'person of the company' on the Internet. Your task – to produce the desired effect on the viewer with an emphasis on quality of service companies, competitive pricing, additional features and etc. It should adopt one of the main rules: the first screen of the home page (note the author – we are talking about the scope of the browser window without scrolling the screen) is created in order to show what the company to make proper advertising emotionally positive effect on the potential customer, offer him something special, while on affordable terms, to show the breadth of choice of the opportunities provided by this company, the second and third screen main page is designed for content site. They serve, in turn, to keep the site in the top positions in search engines, provided the correct organizations with overlapping blocks of text and word-formation, based on key phrases that are selected in the first stage.

Texts presented on the site must be filed interested. Some key phrases in Internal pages have little value to users, but very important to maintain the site for high search engine rankings. This text should be formatted very carefully, making it visually less priority to users' attention to the main text. Try to avoid partial errors for which Yandex can delete your corporate website from search engine indexing of their own: – can not be format text with color background – can not format the text using the bold style, visually displayed as text without distinguishing – can not be completely hidden from the user text blocks that contain key words and indexed by search engines. Now you know that literate adaptation of design sites for search requests from clients to help achieve not only high positions in the delivery of search engines, but also to achieve real financial success by means of selling goods or services through the corporate website. We hope that you will benefit from the advice presented in this paper, the design of your corporate website company. We wish you a successful outcome of web development!