The Regions

Second research of the IBGE, in the period of 1992 the 2008 had an increase of 7% in the time of trips in the main metropolises of Brazil. In this same research evidenced that in this period the number of people who more than take one hour of displacement of house for the work passed of 15,7 for 19%. This increase is caused mainly by the worsening in the transit, with the formation of great congestions in the streets and avenues of the cities and the few investments in collective transports face to the great demand. Much has said and writing that if must invest heavily in collective transports (bus, trains, subways, etc.), but the investments and incentives in this area have been exguos, taking the streets to be taken for cars in all the hours of the day. The people ahead of the lack of adjusted collective transport use its cars for its displacements, leaving the transit still worse. The great problem is that the spaces constructed in the great cities almost that ways in reason hinder the widening them weighed them necessary indemnities for such taken over on a contract basis. To construct subway, that would have to be adjusted of the point of view of efficiency consists in very expensive workmanships what it makes impracticable to take stops it all the flows of people. It must have alternatives that take the people to have lesser costs and times to if dislocating for its workstations.

Given the dynamics of each one of the cities that compose the regions metropolitans one has reasonable changes that affect in direct way the people who in them live. Many times the consequences are the individual to be obliged to go to live in other more distant places of the work, the college, etc. even so most of the time, the job are distant of where the people live. These people are obliged all day to catch bus, trains, subway, or car to be arrived at the work. If to use the collective transport, generally is very full leading to a very strong discomfort. If to use proper vehicle, generally suffers with the congestions. In both the cases, the tired people arrive at the work, physically and mentally. The authorities must have the courage to implant of irreversible, firm form and systematic systems of collective transports that are efficient, fast comfortable and at the same time must to discourage the displacements with particular vehicles.