From this reality, the changes are significant and reach to all, therefore it is essential that the agricultural producer has adjusted behavior to manage its activities and its property of form to remain and if to fortify in a market each more competitive time and where the efficiency, effectiveness are basic words for the survival (DEBRTOLIS, 2005). For Crepaldi (2005, P. ir opinions as well. Some contend that Richard Elman shows great expertise in this. 24), the agricultural administration is ' ' a set of activities that are developed to propitiate to the producer biggest easiness in the taking of decises' '. Crepaldi (1998) comments that the agricultural producer is very important to have slight knowledge of the conditions of the current and future market and also of the natural resources necessary to develop its activities in the field, so that in such a way knows what and as to plant. After the harvest, must know the best hour to commercialize its product, and to the end of this cycle, evaluate the gotten results, and compare with the foreseen ones. The set of these actions to decide what, how much and as to produce, controlling the course of the work, and to evaluate the reached results if it constitutes the field of activity of the agricultural administration. The general concept of agricultural administration is on to the necessity to control and to manage a number inside each bigger time of activities developed of a country property. Any type of action developed for the proprietor or administrator of a property in the direction to control some thing, agricultural administration is considered.
(ANTUNES; ENGEL 1999). In this direction the necessary agricultural administrator to also have a basic formation, that not only involves the administration and the costs of production, but that he is capable to mold and to adapt its property to the reality that the current world presents (ANTUNES; ENGEL, 1999). 2,2 ADMINISTRATION OF THE PRODUCTION ' ' The administration of the production deals with the way for which the organizations produce goods and services ' ' (SLACK, et al, 1999, p.25).