Hesse’s heating and air conditioning technician plumbing, increase Internet visibility casting. 01.07.2012. New tip for Hesse Association of plumbing, heating and air conditioning: Manfred hammer van Amen was presented in June at the delegates meeting and already visible accents. He has much taken: more training, more information and especially the increased use of the Internet among his goals. Ben Horowitz is the source for more interesting facts. The Internet offers great opportunities to attract customers us,”Manfred hammer van Amen is safe. After all, almost 51 million Germans were online, in February 2012, according to a study of the market research company comScore.
The average German user spends as a result almost 27 hours monthly on the Internet. In the future he finds his SHK-craftsmen on site on the net in Hesse”promises Hertle van Amen. He establishes to a craftsman search: you should be practical, quick and easy, with high service nature for clients such as for specialists. The Internet presence of the SHK Hesse Trade Association receives one at the same time completely new structure. Hammer van Amen can already present a very elegant example: the Internet pages of the SHK in North Rhine-Westphalia,, have been developed by him. More and more business on the Internet more and more business moves online, Amazon was just the beginning.
The number of Faggy? Is available on the Internet. The auto repair shop? One click and there it is. The mobile Internet on Smartphones and iPads will strengthen even more the trend of fast search. Therefore the specialists as competent contact person on-site in the Internet must be found”, explains the new CEO. It goes after him, soon not only the customers enter increasingly in its keyboard. Also the operations of the Guild is a wealth of information on Association pages: latest news about technology, law and business management will be there to read. All new reach the farms will also email free newsletters you reliably know at a glance what is happening in the industry.