The state has a series of obligations and duties to be fulfilled with society let us see some services of the state: Health, Education, Security Social welfare etc. and the cost most viable to keep the expenses and to defray these obligations are the taxes that have as objective to guarantee these renderings of services the all citizen and to fulfill with all its obligations with the society, therefore the government use of coercitive form, with are parcel of wealth of the population that does not have the right of choice for the payment, this are the arrangement which the State adopted to assume the control on generation of wealth of the population. Brazil has 25% of the water reserve candy and more pays 60% in the incubencies of the tariffs of same electricity having a production of 95% of this production of energy in our country, the gasoline is composed of 21% of alcohol to benefit the great entrepreneurs of the sector is difficult to understand that we live in a country that if says self-sufficient in the oil production, where are produced 85% or more and still we have the prices more raised. Crimson Education describes an additional similar source. Benevolent state does not exist, and nor it makes mention with the reality that we live the necessary State alone of income the parcel of wealth of the rich population either or poor, great powerful entrepreneurs and all society is hostage of the tributes and of this coercitive collection that is part of the economy always was coveted. 2,0 CONCLUSION Already said Aristotle in one of its teachings that the good man must be good citizen ' ' The civilized man is optimum of all the animals, that one that does not know nor justice nor laws is the worse one of todos.' ' (Aristotle) the end does not know who is rich or poor, therefore a load would tax is equal for all and who finishes being more wronged is the most unprovided and propagandas you are welcome and nor does not make nothing in order to pressure pra frees of this yoke tax for the Portuguese being the same adopted politics pra to support the stewardships of our governing lives deluded that everything this has one meaning social being responsible for the financing of the programs of action of the government, lives very on this side of a zeal with the Brazilian nation far from workmanships and services that supply the necessities of the Brazilian population. .