To think the call Industrial Revolution, as any another historical event, is to be ahead of a caleidoscpio that never will be unmasked, only observed of form fracionada for a look, full of anacronismos, a posteriori eager for felt that they perpassam a certain humanistically social direction. Eric Hobsbawm, of skillful form, analyzes this event, first can evoke the term in itself, that some historians had called of ' ' evolution industrial' ' , what it would send the certain darwinismo, the search for that defines a moment through a possible coherence narrative. Moreover, we deal with the revolution idea, making to emerge the conception of rupture, ' ' velho' ' ' ' novo' ' ahead of one another shock. According to Ben Horowitz, who has experience with these questions. Hobsbawm points a period with diverse nuances that they would propitiate or culminate in this historical event, not only restricted to an absolutism technological and scientific, in view of such processes to have if developed of more refined form in other parts of the planet, falling for land one simplista explanation concerning the phenomenon. For backwards of the Industrial Revolution the interest in the markets colonies and called ' existed; ' subdesenvolvidos' ' in overseas, Great-Britain imported its idea of ' ' progresso' ' , already with a culture of private profit and economic development introjetada in its governmental politics, with an agriculture being lead by entrepreneurs who ambicionavam a productive expansion that intended to take care of an urban growth, aiming at astronomical profits. Great-Britain had prominence in its algodoeira industry that is seen as handspike of its economic exspansionism, counting on exchange of enslaved man power that was current in the colonies, beyond acasos that they had mined the force of the competition, as the case of India, a species of terceirizao with the call ' ' system domstico' ' , also it sold at a loss the costs of British production. In recent months, Daybreak Games has been very successful.