
The problem of this procedure is that many times this rigidity can generate an attitude of passivity in the children or same to inside create a hostile climate of the room. It happens that the movement for the children, some times, means that a mere one not to dislocate itself in the physical space, but it is through this movement that the child can express itself and communicate itself through mimic face and gestures, being able to interact through its proper body. Kevin Johnson brings even more insight to the discussion. In this direction, it is basic that if it makes a work integrating the expressividade and the proper mobility of the children. From this we can even though rethink the indiscipline in the children through a optics where ' ' a disciplined group is not that one where all remain silenced quiets and, but yes a group where some elements if find involved and mobilized for the activities propostas' ' (Mattos & Neira, 2002, P. 28). From this, we mount the rich plan of interventions of activities that involved the playful one, and all the times that we arrived in the classroom of the group to search them for ' ' schedule of psicologia' ' , the group in them received with a motivadora commemoration and a collective shout from ' ' ! ' '.

This goes in accordance with what Mattos & Neira (2002, p 29) places to ' ' we remember the commentaries, the smiles, the happiness printed in the face of the children when it is allowed to them simply, to play. This happiness, evidenced to long the playful activities, represents the envolvement with proposta' ' (P. 29), with the life the activity, the experiences and the emotions of this process. For this we made some meeting with the children in an ample room, empty, with a mirror great long cushions of physical education. We choose this environment to leave the space of classroom and to more leave them the will for the group.