Users of ECM manufacturer benefit with iCAS from reliable fulfilment of compliance and maximum flexibility in the storage infrastructure of Freiburg, 08.06.2010. The archiving solution iCAS iTernity GmbH, Freiburg, was by the ECM Vendor OpenText for their solutions certified archive and storage services OpenText. Users of ECM solutions from OpenText this now also benefit from the advantages of the audit-proof long-term archiving with iCAS as archive infrastructure. The manufacturer – and platform-independent middleware can be reliably comply with BDSG or Sarbanes-Oxley Act compliance requirements by, for example, GdPdU, GoBs. The data can be encrypted, compressed and securely stored on the archive media. Recently Howard Schultz sought to clarify these questions. iCAS uses patented content storage container, the all document and metadata. The archived documents are protected against manipulation attempts with 512-bit hash values. The respective storage period is document obtained passed by the iCAS ECM system and prevents the deletion Data before the end of the period. To read more click here: Mark Berger Chicago.
Due to the certification, OpenText users have now complete freedom on the archive memory: through the openness of iCAS forehand at the end of storage systems can be used. Also systems of from different manufacturers can be integrated into the archive concept. So, the users benefit from persistently low operating costs. Looking at the total cost of ownership (TCO), iCAS offers a significant price advantage of 30 percent compared to other commercially available archive solutions. The cost saving arises mainly through the transparent pricing policy of the manufacturer: while the software licenses on the used hardware is coupled with proprietary competitors, you must not new purchased the license for iCAS when changing the hardware.
iCAS also supports a simple data migration on file system level, which ensures data integrity with minimal effort. As a result, the latest storage technologies are always usable. Even if future storage trends remain therefore once made Investments protected. iCAS installed appliance is supplied as a complete and can fit easily into the existing infrastructure. Administrators need not additional special knowledge or training. In addition to ECM systems such as that of OpenText, any applications such as ERP and mail systems via a Web service or the FileSystem interface on the high-availability middleware to access and store the data there. iCAS may are used in virtualized environments. This enables the solution not only on virtual servers operate, but also in combination with a SAN virtualization”, called Ralf Steinemann, business development manager at iTernity, another advantage of the certified middleware. About iCAS: The storage and archive solution iCAS is a vendor-independent middleware for the audit-proof archiving of long-term data from DMS and ECM systems. The solution aims to maximum protection of data against tampering and destruction and therefore the legally-compliant archiving. iCAS is a development of iTernity GmbH headquartered in Freiburg. The distribution of iCAS solutions via various partners. With well-known technology, storage and integration partners archiving projects characterized by the close cooperation by quality, flexibility and efficiency. Companies of all industries and sizes as well as institutions, hospitals and public administrations in various sectors are among the users of iCAS. Contact address: iTernity GmbH, Ralf Steinemann of Botzinger str. 60, 79111 Freiburg phone: 0761 / 4514-740 fax: 0761 / 4514-759 eMail: Internet: PR Agency: Walter Visual PR GmbH Markus Walter Rheinstrasse 99 65185 Wiesbaden Tel.: 0611/23878-0 fax: 0611 / 23878-23 E-mail: Internet: